Sunday 29 January 2012

End of the Cover-up

Lord, help us to accpet our acceptance by You.
May a vision of Your deep love and unfailing faithfulness,
lead us into the joy of true forgiveness.


In Jesus' name,

A Physical Salvation


: )

There are no half-measures to salvation

Jesus will restore you -body and soul - for eternity with Him

: ]

Lord, forgive us for limiting the scope of your redemption.
Grant us the delight of looking forward to a future in which we are restored completely to live with You forever~


Tuesday 10 January 2012

The caring Father

History itself is in God's hands.

That doesn't mean HE always saves us from foolish mistakes or painful tragedies.

But it does mean that when our lives are caught up in the life of Christ, HE guides us in ways that bring us ultimate blessing.

Providence is the almighty and ever present power of GOD by which all things come to us not by chance, but from HIS fatherly hand~
